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Who is RevitalizeYC?

YC Revitilization_Logo Only 3.19.19.png

Our History

RevitalizeYC was founded in April of 2018 as a nonprofit 501(c)3 focused on the revitalization efforts of Yates Center, KS and Woodson County. Our primary goal is to promote community growth and development, while still maintaining the distinctive small-town character of Yates Center. Our service to the community will present innovative solutions that will be executed to provide better jobs, education, quality of life, and economic prosperity. Below are the main objectives we will strive to make progress in. We can't wait to see what we can accomplish as a community as we work to revitalize our community.

Our Focus


Economic Development

To provide strategic planning and smart growth strategies used to 

encourage economic development where businesses and industries can thrive in the community.


Civic Pride

To preserve community heritage by protecting rural landscape, historic architecture/landmarks, and enhance civic pride through community initiatives.


Tourism Expansion


To create recreation and tourist opportunities that will bring investments and people into the community.


Community Engagement


To sponsor, host and/or participate in events and activities that promote the revitalization of Yates Center and Woodson County.



To develop educational opportunities for both youth and adults that promote economic prosperity within the families of Woodson County. 

Educational Advancements


Build a Healthy Community

To execute a “healthy communities initiative” where all residents have access to quality education, safe and healthy homes, adequate employment, transportation, physical activity, nutrition, and quality healthcare.

"Small towns across the country are fighting for their survival with the odds stacked against them. But what happens if together, we join that fight?  Small towns may never be what they once were, and the real question is, how can they reinvent themselves to become something better!" -Small Business Revolution, Main Street

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to facilitate, promote, and support the revitalization of Yates Center and Woodson County by fostering economic development, preserving community heritage, and enhancing civic pride.


2021 Goals

These goals will be updated as we progress throughout this year.

  • Business Recruitment & Expansion Economic Development Survey

  • Execute an Economic Development Plan

  • Fund Hire of Grant Writer

  • Complete Kansas PRIDE Project

We Need Your Support Today!

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